Thursday, July 31, 2008

Letter: Louisa

51 Broad St.
Endicott N.Y.
Apr 18 1918

Dear Calla,

Fully expected to write you before our vacation telling you how pleased I am that you are to be in Endicott next year. I am sure you will like it after becoming acclimated.

I am wondering where you will be located. I hope where I may see you real often.

Several of mine have left so I have only 32 on my register, at present. Several are absent these days and I am wondering when they will ever make up lost work.

This evening Helen and I have been to Prayer Meeting which we do not attend every Wed. Eve, our pastor is attending Conference but expect that he will be returned for another year.

Spent pleasant ten days vacation at home. Olive and Laverne were with us part of the time.

At present, Miss Sprague and I are getting our own breakfasts and taking our other meals at the restaurant. It seems about the only way.

Are you going to visit the schools here this spring? Think it would be a pleasant experience.

Kind Regards to your people,


Notes: I am still not sure of Louisa's last name, but you may remember that Calla remarked on her leaving Sidney to go teach in Endicott in the April 13, 1917 entry of the diary. She also mentions a Miss Sprague in that entry, possibly the same lady mentioned here.

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